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Are you a Veteran? Do you know a veteran? Bring them along to a basic art class . These classes are fully funded by DVA and are about connecting with the community. Places are limited and bookings required to secure a spot and for catering. Refreshment and light lunch provided. Please contact on the page below
Our local history book is freshly reprinted and straight from the publishers!
Costing just $30 (cash) and available from the museum, Cambrai School Community Library, council offices or by messaging the Facebook page!
Our Nurse-Led Clinic in Gumeracha can now provide care for patients 5 years and older!
The clinic provides care in the Gumeracha and surrounding area to people needing urgent but non-emergency treatment.
The Gumeracha Nurse-Led Clinic is open:
Monday to Friday 1pm-8pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am-4pm
Open on public holidays
If you are unsure about accessing the service, just call and ask a nurse.
Gumeracha District Soldiers' Memorial Hospital: 8209 9220
The Mt Torrens Discover, Play, Pathway Market will be held at Mt Torrens Oval on Sunday 2nd March 2025. This market will be held in conjunction with the Adelaide Hills Council’s Discover, Play, Pathway! Adelaide Fringe event. With the inclusion of the hugely popular ‘Touch a Truck,’ we anticipate increased numbers of people attending! So join the carnival atmosphere! For more information and Application form, contact the Mt Torrens Organising Committee:
Phone: David on 0449 715 589
Application forms to be returned by Sunday 9th February 2025
The SPA working in conjunction with the CFS are putting on a free event for the community, we will have champagne BBQ breakfast, raffle, Aussie car display ( if you want to show your car please get in touch) . With top 3 people’s choice awards getting a prize!!! If you would like to help sponsor with some raffle prizes please let us know!!!