Around the district
For a full list of events happening around the district - please go to the events page.
A group of people are getting together to explore Birdwood - as you will note by the write up, there are quite a few shops in the town environs, and some are opening just for that day. Might be worth tagging along and buying ‘local’.
Are you a Veteran? Do you know a veteran? Bring them along to a basic art class . These classes are fully funded by DVA and are about connecting with the community. Places are limited and bookings required to secure a spot and for catering. Refreshment and light lunch provided. Please contact on the page below
Cambrai -Water Delivery
Fresh clean water delivered fast. Please call Blue's Towing on 0434 117 737. ABN 50 409 778 682
Can't get into the GP, but not sick enough for the ED? Visit a Nurse-Led Clinic! We are thrilled to announce that our Nurse-Led Clinics are now taking online bookings!
Book your appointment today by visiting our website or print out the QR code above and stick it on your fridge for easy access! 2 Albert St, Gumeracha. Ph: (08) 8209 9220