Spring in the Hills

As soon as the weather perks up not only do the flies wake up and start driving us mad, but the parks burst with wildflowers, and in particular, the orchids.

Don went walking in the Altona Landcare Reserve on the weekend and came home excited about not only finding the orchids we’d previously seen, but also a Fire Orchid, which needs a particular set of circumstances to flower - namely smoke.

There are many beautiful walks around the hills, and lots of them are very accessible to the casual bushwalker (see the Walking Trails page on this site).

I have all been updating the Business and Services pages. My criteria for inclusion has generally been to include those that are within 30 minutes of the district, but occasionally I have included businesses that I have used, or that friends have used that may be a little further afield - especially if there is no-one close offering that service. If you know of anyone you think should be on the list, please don’t hesitate to contact me either via this site, or the Facebook page.

In the meantime - enjoy these lovely photos - and get out there if you can.